
A modified gradient approach for the growth of low-density InAs quantum dot molecules by molecular beam epitaxy


A gradient approach for low density vertically stacked quantum dots is presented.
Only for the bottom quantum dot layer Indium is deposited with a spatial gradient.
The strain field induces a gradient in quantum dot density also in the top layer.
Approach works for a narrow range of Indium amounts in the top layer.


Two vertically stacked quantum dots that are electronically coupled, so called quantum dot molecules, are of great interest for the realization of solid state building blocks for quantum communication networks. We present a modified gradient approach to realize InAs quantum dot molecules with a low areal density so that single quantum dot molecules can be optically addressed. The individual quantum dot layers were prepared by solid source molecular beam epitaxy depositing InAs on GaAs(100). The bottom quantum dot layer has been grown without substrate rotation resulting in an In-gradient across the surface, which translated into a density gradient with low quantum dot density in a certain region of the wafer. For the top quantum dot layer, separated from the bottom quantum dot layer by a 6 nm thick GaAs barrier, various InAs amounts were deposited without an In-gradient. In spite of the absence of an In-gradient, a pronounced density gradient is observed for the top quantum dots. Even for an In-amount slightly below the critical thickness for a single dot layer, a density gradient in the top quantum dot layer, which seems to reproduce the density gradient in the bottom layer, is observed. For more or less In, respectively, deviations from this behavior occur. We suggest that the obvious influence of the bottom quantum dot layer on the growth of the top quantum dots is due to the strain field induced by the buried dots.


A1. Nanostructures
A3. Molecular beam epitaxy
B2. Semiconducting III-V materials
B2. Semiconducting gallium arsenide
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