Low Output-Conductance InAs-Channel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors with SiO2 Gate Dielectrics
This study reports the development of InAs-channel MOSFETs using PECVD-deposited SiO2 gate dielectrics. Arsenic capping and desorption are applied to as-grown wafers to prevent the formation of native oxides before the gate dielectrics are then deposited. We believe that increased hole confinement in a layer structure effectively suppresses the impact ionization effect, and an output conductance as 18 mS/mm at a drain bias of 2 V is demonstrated. A 2 μm-gate-length device exhibits dc performances of IDSS = 154 mA/mm and gm = 189 mS/mm, and rf performances of fT = 14.5 GHz and fMAX = 24 GHz. The InAs-channel MOSFET has potential for application in high frequency circuit devices.